
Architectural Lighting – What Defines High-Quality Lighting?
Written by Roope Siiroinen, 13.2.2019
Architectural Lighting – What Defines High-Quality Lighting?

What is high-quality lighting and how can it be evaluated? High-quality lighting is a harmony of many aspects.

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Architectural Lighting – the Basis for Aesthetical Lighting
Written by Roope Siiroinen, 03.1.2019
Architectural Lighting – the Basis for Aesthetical Lighting

Light is actually not a logical instrument to be systematically analysed or composed. As such, mastering the use of light requires the ability to process a visual entity in an emotional sense and letting go of logic. One might therefore conclude, that the aim of modern lighting architecture is to create the right kind of an atmosphere.

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A Lighting Designer is a Welcome Professional in Design Project
Written by Roope Siiroinen, 16.8.2018
A Lighting Designer is a Welcome Professional in Design Project

Lighting design is an interdisciplinary field, where one must understand the basis of other fields of design, their objectives and goals, and based on them, be able to make propositions in a form, on which others can take a stand. A lighting designer establishes collaboration between different quarters, designers and policy-makers.

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Transforming Lighting – Lighting Situations and Time Add a New Element to Architectural Lighting
Written by Roope Siiroinen, 07.8.2017
Transforming Lighting – Lighting Situations and Time Add a New Element to Architectural Lighting

Highlighting buildings with artificial lighting has become an inseparable part of the architectural entity. The idea of façade lighting is to highlight a building and its architecture and thus increase the significance, visibility and importance of the building in the night-time environment. Transforming lighting can create visually distinguished looks and moods and simultaneously adjust the amount of lighting to suit the purpose. One and the same feature may offer versatility varying from casual to festive, all for the delight of people.

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“Highly Commended” Award to the Pikisaari Bridges
Written by VALOA design, 09.5.2017
“Highly Commended” Award to the Pikisaari Bridges

The scheme of four bridges, which was carried out in collaboration with the municipality of Oulu and the energy company Oulun Energia, received second place in the category of Community and Public Realm Projects at the 2017 international Lighting Design Awards. The lighting has been carried out in shades of white, whereupon the achieved visual image suits the surrounding Scandinavian nature harmoniously.

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Roope Siiroinen Luminous Person of the Year 2017
Written by VALOA design, 08.2.2017
Roope Siiroinen Luminous Person of the Year 2017

The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) of Finland yearly grants the Luminous Person award to an individual, who has either with a single act or long-term activity brightened up the world and furthered the case of lighting. The prizes include an itinerant trophy, a piece of art by Kari Alonen, as well as a diploma.

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We raise stories of darkness

From the outset, lighting designed for a building or site is a way of telling its atmosphere, meaning and purpose. The façade thus emerges as its own interesting story from the dark.

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